the trans starterpack

about me and about this site

hey, my name is Luisa and i am currently trying to find her. i've been trying to read through as much trans stuff as possible and i bet at least a few people want to do so as well. i'm writing this list so others don't have to find trans ressources on their own.

also a little disclaimer before i let you to the list: i'm a trans girl and will so i will probably not have any transmasc ressources linked. (if you have stuff for me to list, help me)

another little disclaimer: i add stuff to this list as i think of it. there's no ranking, no quality control and i might not have read stuff that's on this list. i try to group related stuff tho.


a selection of trans subreddits

meme subreddits

  • r/egg_irl "Memes about trans people in denial." (my favorite subreddit)
  • r/eggy_memes more memes about eggs, i guess
  • r/traaaaa 2 continuation of the og trans meme sub
  • r/BLAHAJ a subreddit dedicated to the cutest of all animals
  • r/me_irlgb "queer shitposting from the heart"

falls hier deutsche eier vorbeikommen: postet bitte mal was bei r/ei_iel. danke.

serious subreddits

  • r/trans general discussions about being trans
  • r/transgender news about trans topics
  • for girls: r/MtF "A Safe Haven for Trans Feminine People"
  • for boys: r/ftm "A place for the guys."
  • r/asktransgender "Questions and discussions about, for, to, or from the Reddit transgender community. Open to anyone with a question."
  • r/lgbt i think the lgbt-sub isn't too out of place in this list
  • r/NestofEggs mostly used to vent about stuff (their discord)
  • r/ewphoria posts about euphoria from really questionable sources like misogyny or misandry
  • r/transtimelines the place you go to get gender envy (hrt works wonders)

also, you can find more related subs in the sidebars of these subs.

youtube channels

a collection of trans and ally youtubers i enjoy watching. if you know more let me know


mtf voice training

please send me some good channels

websites with trans resources

a collection of websites with trans things. they're not sorted and some may not have been read by me.

if you find other sites, let me know


a collection of articles about trans things. they're not sorted and some may not have been read by me.

if you find more articles, let me know